Art with Aim
The Art With Aim project is in its fledgling stages. I (Airika from America) have been in journalism, the arts, and have also battled very serious illness for 16 years, and then cured myself…. that gives me a unique vantage point.
As well as having lived all over the world on a shoestring budget due to insatiable curiosity. Since 2010, I grew Occupy the EPA, Occupy the FDA, Night into Light, and others into communities with over 100,000 members before FB cut my access in May 2019, leaving them visible, but unable to be updated by me. In January 2019, WEEBLY silently blocked the original ArtWithAim website from being accessed by Russia, India, the Middle East, and refused to issue us a refund without providing all my personal documentation to PROVE I was not a Russian agent operating in the USA. We now have had to start over again, and create a new website on a platform that no longer is censoring our reach.
Sasha, the Russian side of this organization, survived the collapse of the USSR via a high producing food growing operation developed by her family in Moscow region. Despite those odds, she earned an engineering degree, and rose to become a professional athlete on the National Russian Team, where she was a champion rugby player who brought her team to victory in the 2009 Rugby World Cup Sevens. Her efforts as a woman in a male dominated sport, elevated women’s Rugby to becoming an Olympic level competition in 2016.
Art With Aim is an idea which intends to transcend boundaries to organize creatives with technical innovators in order to teach, collaborate, and manifest ideas that strengthen a now strategically fractured social fabric. At this stage, we are building a platform to educate people via writing, art, quality content creation, and video reports…. as we build a mobile office/studio in Russia/Europe.
I have been shouldering this idea exclusively with my own earnings so far… while living out of a suitcase between countries. Making it very difficult! Every 5 dollars helps us build the idea, so that is has a more and more clear identity. Even a small token at this early stage, shows me that you value the great deal of work I have been doing for many years, for free, and that you would like to help me focus more and more of my energy growing it into a professional platform where I can bring others on board.