Category: Exit Plato's Cave

In order to exit Plato’s Cave you have to be willing to jump into Rabbit Holes of knowledge, and go deeper than you ever have before with information…. face the abyss, so that it can look back into you, and by facing the darkest night of the soul, you transmute it with the light of spiritual evolution. The Golden Ratio is a spiral that is found in all things from the microcosm into the macrocosm. It is in our cells, and in the cosmos…. JUMP IN! Take AIM, and evolve! The time is now.

In order to exit Plato’s Cave you have to be willing to jump into Rabbit Holes of knowledge, and go deeper than you ever have before with information…. face the abyss, so that it can look back into you, and by facing the darkest night of the soul, you transmute it with the light of spiritual evolution. The Golden Ratio is a spiral that is found in all things from the microcosm into the macrocosm. It is in our cells, and in the cosmos…. JUMP IN! Take AIM, and evolve! The time is now.