By: Airika Dollner
I think most people who remain in the limelight at all, these days, are people who craft their public image around keeping their platform, and paycheck. Far too often, this requires a pathological blindness to issues so immense that they are crushing. I cannot even keep count of how many journalists bend, and completely omit, the truth in favor of keeping their platform. As I have worked behind the scenes from Hollywood lights and magic, to environmental/social/healthcare activism, to Constitutional/Federal US politics, Global Politics and even international medicine/science, I have observed many who report on the “truth” and who have gained audiences from very diverse demographics, state behind closed doors that they knowingly omit controversial data in their public work, as if they were more clever for it too. By definition (when words had concrete meaning), a journalist was someone who recorded their direct observations, reported the objective facts, from locations average people cannot go, so that their readers could make up their own minds. To decide what data points were unsavory for their audience, or for their employer, and then omit them is to be a propagandist.
Sadly, I think also that a lot of people who remain paid “journalists” are actually not very smart, or at least not intellectually courageous. They are book smart, while not good at truly thinking; only crafting regurgitated positions to appear unique. They get the high grade, because they see what’s safe to see. Like a archeologist who pockets a finding that may destroy an established, and popular ideology. The vast majority don’t have the constitutions for anything much deeper than what will gain approval, or hero status- their egos are bigger than their fact finding, intuition and deduction skills… their published work is the result of buckling under pressure. Often, as well, many omit truths that disprove a previous position they hotly defended, because they cannot simply say that they learned something that forced them to change their views.
Regardless of what identity you attach to your world view to, what your country of birth is, what political party you support, what level of education you have, how much money you make, what your spiritual belief system is…. can we all agree that whether you’ve given your conscious “consent” or not- that if you go to a store… any store…. walk on any street with a surveillance camera… walk under an LED SMART light bulb, you use a cell phone/tablet/computer/smart watch/fit bit… you use central grid utilities… or eat food someone else grew that you’ve never met…. travel through an airport…. even if you breathe air with whatever appears to be being sprayed above us, drink from the waters we share….. that you are now being inventoried, and every behavior analyzed, on every level of your existence, by a higher power that isn’t God…?
If you can see that the above statement is true… that no matter how remote a person tries to become, even indigenous, undiscovered tribes were all masked and injected (arguably internally tagged), even animals have been! Therefore… ANY very public figure who passionately, and charismatically, pounds their chest about any, or ALL, hot button issues (from global climate, sex trafficking, hot war, political parties, etc.) while NEVER acknowledging the biggest elephants (Pharmaceutical mandates, the catastrophic harms of lockstep pandemic protocols, the internet of things, nano-tech, surveillance, transhumanism, privacy, etc.) in the room…. that they are all lying by omission…. and the exact topics that they are OMITTING are identical to each other, even their biggest “enemies.” Then that makes them all liars, for refusing to address the exact same issues, that collectively terrorize, even kill, millions of people world wide, right?
The strategy appears to be in utilizing the rainbow of “diversity” in what they SAY, and a complete one world monoculture in what they refuse to acknowledge, or state for the record… THAT IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER. They agree about what should never be said, and who in the highest echelon’s of earthly power, should never be named.
I was told, when I was interviewed, and offered a full scholarship to attend Amherst University, that they had also awarded a scholarship to someone who had gotten every question on the SAT test WRONG. It was statistically impossible to get every question wrong, without knowing what every correct answer was, so they indirectly got a perfect score. There are many ways to funnel people to one outcome. It’s high time people accept that. —-